Holistic Journey - Reiki and Chakra Healing servicing Brampton and Caledon


Healers are Empaths, and Empaths are Natural Born Healers

Are you an empath yearning to transform your gift into a powerful healing practice?

Heal yourself and others, and step into your true calling!

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Imagine a life where your empathic nature not only enhances your well-being but also empowers you to profoundly impact the lives of others. As an empath, you have a unique gift—a natural ability to sense and heal emotional and physical pain. Now, it’s time to unlock your full potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth.

Why Choose Holistic Journey?

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from an experienced healer who understand the empath’s journey.
  • Holistic Approach: Integrate mind, body, and spirit for complete healing.
  • Community Support: Join a tribe of like-minded empaths and healers.

Your Path to Becoming a Healer

Our comprehensive programs are designed to guide you through every step of your healing journey. From understanding your empathic nature to mastering advanced healing techniques, you’ll gain the knowledge and tools needed to thrive as a healer.

The Impact of Neglecting Your Healing

Not addressing your own healing needs affects more than just your practice—it permeates every aspect of your life. Unresolved trauma and unbalanced energy can lead to emotional exhaustion, strained relationships, and a diminished sense of purpose. By committing to your healing journey, you’ll not only enhance your practice but also experience profound personal growth and improved overall well-being.

Ready to Begin?

Take the first step today and transform your empathic gifts into a healing practice that changes lives. Join me and embrace your destiny as a natural born healer. Don’t let unhealed wounds hold you back from the life and practice you deserve.

healing awaits you

Embrace your calling. Heal yourself. Heal others.
Make a difference.

How to Turn Your Empath Qualities into Superpowers PDF

Provide your contact information below for this FREE PDF

Hi, you are probably here because ...

As a Healer and an Empath, you are ready to change lives! And it all begins with healing YOURS first!

Welcome to Holistic Journey!

Unlock your true potential, overcome overwhelm, and fully embrace your unique gifts while aligning with your life’s purpose! My programs and entire support system are tailored with you in mind.

True healing goes beyond knowledge—it’s about nurturing the profound connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit. Let’s embark on your spiritual journey and ignite your inner light.

I’M HERE TO HELP YOU GROW and guide you toward a purpose-driven life creating a greater impact not only in your life but on the world.

Whether you’re on a journey of self-healing or pursuing a career as a healer, I’m here to provide the highest level of support and guide you toward a purpose-driven life.

You are not alone.

Allow me to provide the insights and tools you need to move forward towards purpose and meaning. As you embark on this transformative journey—nurturing yourself and embracing your gifts—everything will naturally fall into place.

Does this sound like you?

Let’s take the next steps on your transformative journey…

I Know What It’s Like to…



BE kept awake at night by overwhelming Anxiety

HAVE recurring life patterns I don’t know how to break

STUCK in a cycle of unhealthy relationships that aren’t serving me


Once upon a time that was me…
A different way does exist

I’ve gone from being a corporate businesswoman leading a seemingly happy yet unfulfilling life, to a soul-led entrepreneur, following my heart, contributing to a better world and helping others do the same.

This transformation would not have been possible without committing to my own healing work. From Reiki to chakra balancing and energy work. First healing my own wounds and Trauma, and then using what I learned to help hundreds of others during my one-on-one sessions and group programs.


Envision A New Life…

One in which you’ve uncovered and healed your recurring patterns, deeply-rooted beliefs and old wounds that have stopped you from living your authentic self. A life that you get to choose and not just tolerate. An abundant life of healthy relationships, fulfillment, and great health.
Today that’s how I live my life … and I know it’s possible for YOU too.

Heal, Grow and thrive as you embrace your healing journey

Who am i

Anna Pileci-Cartlidge


I’m Anna, best known as The Healer Of The Healers, but that’s not something I always was…

There was a time when I was the one who needed healing.

Like many empaths, I became overwhelmed by the weight of emotions I absorbed from those around me. I was in a dark place, struggling to find my path and the unfulfilled desire to make a difference in the world.

It was then that I finally healed from my trauma, discovered my path, and embraced my true calling as a Healer.

Along my journey, I met many Energy Healers and Holistic Practitioners who struggled to move their practice forward and felt unfulfilled and overwhelmed by imposter syndrome.

Today, as a Reiki Master Teacher and Chakra Healing Expert, I’m best known as the Healer of The Healers.

In my previous career, I worked as a Sales Auditor in the Retail Industry. But I discovered my true calling on my healing journey with Reiki. I started offering help to others in the evenings, and this is when I stumbled upon my passion. It was during this time that I began my journey toward a soul-driven business and fully embracing my life purpose.

Being an empath can be lonely…

You’re surrounded by people who don’t recognize the inner turmoil you endure, so…

Embrace this journey of inner healing with a mentor who not only understands but has been where you’re standing right now.

Embrace your calling. Heal yourself. Heal others. Make a difference.

Be a Part of Our FREE Facebook Community

The Empowered Empaths Healing Community

You don’t have to overcome your anxiety and overwhelm alone anymore. Join our Empowered Empaths Healing Facebook community of like-minded people who are on a similar healing journey to you. This is a free private group for those who need more support with their healing journey, to regain their inner power and take control of their life in a loving and safe community.
Who am i

Anna Pileci-Cartlidge

Hey there! I’m Anna, the founder of Holistic Journey.

Holistic Journey is a sanctuary for Empaths, helping them experience deep healing so they can help others without feeling depleted and overwhelmed.

Our main goal is to give Empaths important tools to protect their energy, beat overwhelm and burnout, and shield themselves from stress and negativity.


I get it because I’ve faced doubts, lacked confidence, and felt the weight of untapped potential. I invite you to be part of the Holistic Journey community, where your journey to inner peace and mastering healing begins.

· Does any of this sound like you?

· Do you have a special gift but struggle with turning it into a successful business or even knowing what to do with it?

· Do you feel you haven’t reached your full potential and want to explore your abilities?

· Are you passionate about making a difference but find yourself stuck, always on the edge of burnout?

I get it because I’ve been there. But I promise there’s a way through.

By mastering how you manage your energy, you can unlock amazing abilities and start a profound journey as a Healer.

Holistic Journey is here for you, offering all the skills and tools to build a thriving holistic practice. From personal healing to certifications, training, and the path to making a rewarding income, I’m here to guide you.

Come join me on your energy-healing journey toward more inner peace and mastery.


Success Stories

Meet Anna!

Meet Vidhu!

Meet Carolyn!

Work 1:1 With Me!


My personal 1:1 sessions are selective and transformative. But they are not for everyone

This opportunity is ideal for those who are committed to healing and making significant changes in their lives. It’s for individuals ready to be guided and supported through an in-depth healing journey toward discovering their true selves.

As my private client, you will receive exclusive support with weekly 1:1 sessions dedicated and tailored entirely to YOU!

Are you ready to CREATE YOUR BEST LIFE

Chakra Master Healer Certification

Chakra Master Healer Certification

Rise of the Empowered Healer

A high-level mentorship program for Empaths and Healers who are ready to create deep transformations for themselves and their clients while earning a solid income fulfilling their Passion and Balancing their Chakras.

Discover the KEY THINGS that Successful Empaths, Reiki Healers, and Holistic Practitioners are doing to step into their full power, help change lives, and create an abundant business and lifestyle for themselves!

Profound Healing that guides the transformation journey like a guiding light. 

Get your Reiki I/II Certification and become a Reiki Certified Healer in as little as 2 Days. Allow The Power of Reiki to Transform Your Life Through Healing!

The SIMPLEST and FASTEST way to Protect your energy and find a life of Serenity and Balance. Empaths and Highly Sensitive People, it’s YOUR time to THRIVE by mastering your energy with the extraordinary POWER of Reiki. AWAKEN your INNER HEALER and unlock the incredible possibilities that lie on the other side of your HEALING journey!

Energy Healers and Holistic Practitioners – What’s it like to have all those certifications, a unique gift to help others, and nothing to show for it? Master the most important elements every Healer and Holistic Practitioner needs to know to go from frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed to FINALLY crushing it!

The SIMPLEST and FASTEST way to Protect your energy and find a life of Serenity and Balance. Empaths and Highly Sensitive People, it’s YOUR time to THRIVE by mastering your energy with the extraordinary POWER of Reiki. AWAKEN your INNER HEALER and unlock the incredible possibilities that lie on the other side of your HEALING journey!

Energy Healers and Holistic Practitioners – What’s it like to have all those certifications, a unique gift to help others, and nothing to show for it? Master the most important elements every Healer and Holistic Practitioner needs to know to go from frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed to FINALLY crushing it!
Discover the KEY THINGS that Successful Empaths, Reiki Healers, and Holistic Practitioners are doing to step into their full power, help change lives, and create an abundant business and lifestyle for themselves!
Become a Reiki Certified Healer In as little as 2 Days. Allow The Power of Reiki to Transform Your Life Through Healing
Working 1:1 with me will allow you to quickly gain deep self-knowledge, increase your peace and vitality, and CREATE YOUR BEST LIFE so you are able to have the life you truly desire. We will work together to define your best path forward (and get clear on your final outcome). We will then identify what is needed to bring your dreams to life.

Book a COMPLIMENTARY “FINDING ME” SESSION and let’s talk about how we can best work together



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Integer et amet tristique risus laoreet malesuada lectus mi risus est, tellus donec fusce enim commodo montes, lectus natoque vulputate tincidunt cras risus nisl.



Enim, urna, lobortis vitae eleifend blandit lectus purus in aenean mi risus pulvinar sed nunc.

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Reiki Healing

How to Turn Your Empath Qualities into Superpowers PDF

Provide your contact information below for this FREE PDF
