Holistic Journey - Reiki and Chakra Healing servicing Brampton and Caledon

Success Stories

Success Stories at Holistic Journey
567 reviews

123 reviews


256 reviews


144 reviews

Success Stories


Meet Vidhu!

Meet Anna!

Meet Carolyn!

Chakra Courses

chakra master healer certification

"I was able to heal myself more in that one year than 30+ years of counseling has ever done for me."

I signed up for the 1-year chakra program, knowing that I had a lot of work to do, and it would take me a while to get through it. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I learned and was able to heal myself more in that one year than 30+ years of counseling has ever done for me. Anna helped me to dig deep and see past my blinders. It was hard to face my dark side at times. You have to admit things to yourself that you may not like, but once you admit it, you’re able to change that about yourself and become the person you want to be. The work is never over, but Anna has given me the tools to drill down & troubleshoot my feelings. Just yesterday, I had a conversation with Anna in my head because I needed help sorting out an emotion I was having. My mind was all over the place until I had my “mock conversation.” I could hear Anna’s voice and the questions she would ask me. It helped me to focus, and I was able to figure out why I was feeling the way I was. I felt so much better. I’m grateful to my friend for sending me to Anna, and I am forever in Anna’s debt. The gift she has given me is priceless. Thank you, Anna. For all your caring, support, and knowledge!


"Thank you, Anna, for being the guiding light that has illuminated my path to happiness and self discovery."

Before working with Anna, my life was engulfed in darkness. I battled depression, harsh self-criticism, and an overwhelming fear of the unknown.

Breaking through my frears has opened the floodgates to positivity. I’m releasing the negative energy that once held me captive, believing in myself and developing genuine confidence. Embarking ona a new job, I’m experiencing a level of excitement I’ve never felt in my entire career.

Looking forward to the continuation of this transformative journey. 

Thank you, Anna, for being the guiding light that has illuminated my path to happiness and self discovery.


"Has taught me so much about myself and the things I need to work on and heal from."

This class has taught me so much about myself, and particularly, the things I need to work on and heal from. I learned how people’s upbringing affects their lives as adults; that what you feel/experience as an adult somehow ties into your past. So eye-opening! I also learned to approach ALL people with love and compassion. So many a-ha moments! I always felt safe expressing my concerns and feelings in this class. Anna creates a wonderful environment, where you feel welcome and free to say what you feel – without judgment.


"A new skill, developing a deeper understanding on how the chakras play a role in my life"

I think this was an amazing experience learning a new skill and developing a deeper understanding of my chakras and how it all plays a role in my life, all on Zoom with other beautiful like minded women!!!!

Anna is a wonderful woman! From the first conversation I had with her after coming across her on the Internet when I was just becoming interested in learning. More about the chakras, I knew she was the one I wanted to mentor me!!!! Anna is truly genuine and authentic and she is working through her soul sharing her gifts and skills with others!!!! I am very grateful to have had the opportunity!!!!

Sabrina Ferri

"Very informative, lots of self discover and really going deep."

The Chakra Masterclass was very informative. Lots of self discovery to be made and I’m so excited. I am really going deep with this. I have never given myself time or belief that I am worthy.

This is so empowering to me that I’m able to finally rediscover myself and love myself more for having gone through my experiences. I am looking forward to the insights this class will shine on my path.

Looking closer at this [root] chakra and its lessons of FEAR. I am honestly overcoming one just by even taking this class, thinking I wasn’t good enough or being judged, not recognizing that I was my own worst critic and not giving myself a chance to even try. Well today that all ENDS.

Anna Spiwak

"How the Chakras are affected and why I'm holding back from truly achieving my dreams."

This class was very informative and very helpful in understanding yourself as well as others. It described perfectly how the Chakras are affected, how they relate to the events of my life and why I’m holding back from truly achieving my dreams. Anyone looking for healing can benefit from taking this class.


"A great self-discovery class."

This class was a great self-discovery class. The key learning for me was making a connection between the chakras and its impact on our physical and emotional state along with its origin.

Rita S.

"Was an eye opener on how much has manifested in my current life based on my past experiences."

Understanding the chakra system was an eye opener for me in particular how so much that has manifested in my current life based on my past experiences. This class was both a learning and healing experience all in one. There is so much to learn about yourself in this class, it has been a life-changing experience and I am grateful for it.

Michelle E.

"Focus on how the individual Chakras affect our physical and emotional well being."

The Online Charka Healing Practitioner Certification program focused on the individual Charkas and how they may affect our physical and emotional well being. I would recommend this class for anyone who is searching for their true self.

R. G.

"Enlightening and very informative."

It’s enlightening and very informative. I loved every minute.

C. M.

"Biggest takeaway was the connection between the physical, mental and emotional manifestation."

My biggest takeaway from the Chakra Balancing Class was the connection between the chakras and their physical, mental and emotional manifestation. The curriculum allowed us to put into action everything we learned in the class material. My recommendation for anyone thinking about taking this class is to just GO FOR IT!

Nellie J.

Soulpreneur business mastery program

"With Reiki, Chakra Work and doing her Soulpreneur Program to help with my business, I have come so far from the woman I was back then."

Before working with Anna I was in one of the lowest places of my life. I was feeling anxious, depressed, suicidal and completely lost. She came into my life when I needed her most, genuinely like an angel sent to me. 
Although I was the one showing up to my sessions and putting in the work, this woman is incredible. She will help you grow immensely. With Reiki, Chakra Work and doing her Soulpreneur Program to help with my business, I have come so far from the woman I was back then. 
Anna supported me in leaving an un-aligned relationship and career, moving from one off sessions to doing longer term transformation work with clients, and ultimately helped me to find deep peace, fulfillment, and happiness within myself. Besides this, it’s allowed me to connect deeper in my relationships and find my dream partner. 
I cannot thank her and emphasize the importance of this work enough. I’m forever grateful. THANK YOU.

"My path aligned with Anna in a very powerful way. One may wonder why things happen the way they do, but when you look back - YOU understand.."

The Universe works in mysterious ways. One may wonder why things happen the way they do but when you look back and reflect you understand. My path aligned with Anna in a very powerful way. About a year ago, I took a leap of faith and decided to resign from my corporate job.

Fortunately, they denied my resignation and offered me a 6 month leave of absence. I already had an established candle business and I wanted to venture out and do something more.

The 6 month leave of absence was the safety net I didn’t know I needed. I had mentioned to my coworkers that I wanted to take my candle business to another level and I told them I heard I about Reiki. I loved the idea of Reiki infused candles. For my going away party, my coworkers gave me a gift certificate to Holistic Journey.

Not long after, I had a “finding me” consultation with Anna. I signed up for her business mentoring program and it has changed my life forever. Not only do I now Reiki infuse the candles I make, I also run an established Reiki and Chakra Balancing practice. Due to Covid-19, I decided to return to my corporate job on a part time basis. With Anna’s help I found the perfect balance.

Not only has Anna helped me with my career but she has helped me grieve the loss of my dad. He died in November of 2015 but I only started to grieve when I started my Reiki sessions with Anna in November of 2019. She has also helped me understand my self worth.

I am forever grateful for Anna. In helping me, she is also helping my family, my coworkers, my clients, and everyone else around me.


"I learned alot from Anna - including key take aways that have resulted in huge success for not only me but also my clients."

It has been an absolute pleasure to have chosen Anna as my spiritual mentor not only for the Chakra Masterclass but also as my teacher for all Reiki levels. I have learned a lot from Anna including key take aways that have resulted in huge success for not only me but also my clients. Anna provides a safe space for you to feel welcomed and to show up as true yourself without judgement while also challenging you to dig deep and reflect which is crucial to the healing process. I am very grateful to have been recommended & connected with her from another beautiful lightworker and choosing to make her my go to spiritual teacher and mentor! Because of her I gained to much knowledge that I use and put into practice everyday and I am now helping so many others do the same ~ with gratitude.

Reiki Master, Chakra Balancing Facilitator, Certified Coach

"It's been a journey of self-awareness, a-ha moments and helped me identify my niche. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to turn their passion into a business."

Working with Anna in the Soulpreneur Business Program helped me identify my niche focusing on individuals with concussions.

It’s been a journey of self-awareness, a-ha moments and a roller coaster ride of emotions since starting my healing business. My excitement and fear of putting myself out there all changed through Anna’s guidance and mentorship, in creating and marketing my business.

I would recommend this course to people who are looking to turn their passion into a business, be of service to others and have the soulful career they’ve always wanted.

Anna, thank you for all your support and guidance in leading me on the entrepreneurial path.


"Prior to working with Anna I felt stuck, she helped me realize my true gifts and how to use them to attract my ideal clients. I went from not knowing how to proceed to being secure."

Prior to working with Anna in the Soulpreneur program, I felt stuck trying to figure out what steps to take as an entrepreneur in my Reiki practice. I had some clients but was also working full time in a corporate office, so I wasn’t sure how to scale and grow. But during our time together, Anna helped me realize my true gifts and how to use them to attract my ideal client. As a result of our work together, I have become inspired and empowered with the right tools and the formula to succeed. I now can say with confidence that I work specifically with those who want to reignite their passion in the world place! Since taking Anna’s course, I went from not knowing how to proceed in my holistic practice and being insecure to connecting with corporate managers and VIPs to integrating my Reiki practice into their wellness program and getting paid to do it! If you are committed and ready for growth, I recommend working with Anna. She will help guide you in the right direction. The Soulpreneur course is structured and set up for success and will show you how to work smarter not harder. Anna has helped me work through my weaknesses and encouraged me to accept my gifts and turn them into my strengths. Thank you, Anna, wishing you continued success always, it was a pleasure working with you!


"Anna helped me see where my passion really lies."

As a business owner, there is so much to learn! I decided to jump into the Soulpreneur program because I needed some clarity and guidance in my business. When I met with Anna, I was looking forward to this next step in my business.

Anna helped me see where my passion really lies! Her online course is great for self-reflecting on what I really want out of my business. I also absolutely loved our weekly calls to catch up and ask questions. Especially in a group setting, where I got to meet other entrepreneurs. I can say that my business has grown and is on track!

Thank you so much for this amazing experience!


"Life changing experience. Don't just take the classes, Anna's mentoring program is phenomenal."

Anna is a blessing to my life. The universe lead me to Anna when I was searching for my authentic self. I am just about to finish my Chakra Clearing and Balancing Certification Course and will be participating in Reiki I and II in April. Life changing experience. Don’t just take the classes, Anna’s mentoring program is phenomenal!

Adella F.

Reiki Certification

"Anna is an amazing mentor who approaches her work with love and passion."

Before I became a certified Reiki practitioner, I was aware of how Reiki had positively impacted and transformed my life. However, with daily responsibilities at work and with family, I wasn’t applying what I had learned from the healing experience I had three years ago. I decided to take Reiki classes, and during these sessions with Anna, I learned how to use Reiki to benefit both myself and those around me. I had a passion for Reiki but needed a coach to guide me on this journey, and Anna was that coach. She is an amazing mentor who approaches her work with love and passion. She shared all her expertise and knowledge, ensuring I was confident with learning  all aspects of Reiki. 
Thank you, Anna.❤️

"This journey with Anna has given me the confidence in moving forward with achieving my successful spiritual business I have always wanted."

My healing journey in my lifetime seemed long but with Anna’s guidance of discovery within was short.  I am grateful for this journey I took with her.  It is amazing how our ancestor issues and parents from the beginning of our birth affects our present life. It takes courage to face the reality of our life as to what is needed to move forward. Anna does it in a way of trust and comfort for us to experience the journey to resolve what needs to be resolved for our soul in our current lifetime and for the future of our soul. It’s just not about us in the now but for the future of our soul.

This journey with Anna has given me the confidence in moving forward with achieving my successful spiritual business I have always wanted. 

Her achievements, discoveries during her life have benefited so many individuals in knowing what they need to know in moving forward with confidence.

My soul within sends you gratitude with love



"She guided me in beginning a life transformation."

Anna came into my life at a time when I faced my biggest struggles. She held, and continues to hold, such a caring space for me. She guided me in beginning a life transformation. Her encouragement helped to lift and motivate me to take action to make necessary changes. Part of these changes included taking her Reiki Level 1 and 2 classes.

Anna’s classes were conducted in a compassionate and professional manner. I’ve learned a lot about navigating life and a spiritual journey from her.

Thank you, Anna, for your love and care.


"It's been difficult at times to admit certain things from childhood but it has been freeing."

Without your guidance, I would not be as far as I am today. I continue to
do daily Reiki on myself and chakra work regularly. It’s been difficult at
times to admit certain things from childhood but has been freeing as

I never wanted to start my own business but found myself creating
business cards last week.


"Anna has been an amazing mentor and teacher. "

Anna has been an amzing mentor and teacher. I had the opportunity to learn Reiki I/Ii and become a Reiki Master with her. Reiki has helped to impact the way I live my life. I learned how to trust my intuition, have faith and break free from the barriers I was holding myself back from and see what I am capable of. I highly recommend Anna for her ability to help rediscover aspects of yourself that you have forgotten about. She met me where I was at and guided me towards greater self awareness.

"The inner healing work, intuition and shifts I experienced took me to another level"

I would like to take a moment to express how grateful I am to have met Anna. Not only is she incredible at what she does, she has one of the most incredible souls I have ever met. Her heart is pure gold and her beautiful lights shine so brightly inside and out. I can not express enough how her kind heart lead me on my journey of healing and transformation.

Before I took this Online Reiki Practitioners Certification course with Anna, we have been working together for about 4 years now. She is the first person who introduced me to the world of Reiki and I never turned back. The inner healing work, intuition and shifts I have experienced took me personally to another level.

During the class and our work together, I learned that doing deeper work, facing my fears and listening to my heart (not my head) will open doors to a whole new realm of our higher selves. Just trust – trust your intuition, your messages – they are there for a reason.

Now that I am a Reiki Practitioner I have a new profound tool – a tool that will keep me grounded, focused and supported. It provided me with a new way of looking at and living life. I am blessed and excited to see where I go on this journey. It feels refreshing, safe, adventurous and humbling.

Anna from the bottom of my heart – Thank you Xo

Cassandra Crognale

"All courses I have taken with Anna have enlightened my spiritual energy"...

At the age of 65, I have proven to myself the discovery of knowing what is best for my health is never-ending. I do understand we do need prescribed medication at times, but if I could just breathe in the energy of healing with natural oils, I’m all in. Not only is the essence of natural oils an important part of healthy living, and balancing our own chakras is a major part of healthy living. Starting from the time of conception, into childhood and adulthood, these energies of our past remain in our personal energy space, these need to be released as part of healthy well-being. I have taken Anna’s Reiki, chakra balancing courses, and now essential oils.

Being a psychic medium I have found that all the courses I’ve taken with Anna have enlightened my spiritual energy to better serve my spirit and my clients. Reiki, Chakra balancing, and essential oils are now part of my service in assisting my clients in their journey of moving forward in life.

It’s an honor to know Anna, she is dedicated to serving her clients toward a healthier, happy life.


"I was admittedly cynical ....If offered me much more than I could ever give to it."

Before I took this Online Reiki Practitioners Certification course with Anna I didn’t have a clear perspective on what Reiki was and what it could do for me and my clients, friends, and family.

I was admittedly cynical and was not completely buying into the practice.

During the class and our work together I learned the history and practice of Reiki how you can channel energy through focus and practice and bring focus and intention to your clients. It offered me much more than I could ever give to it.

Now that I am a Reiki Practitioner I feel confident with the amazing training provided by Anna to do Reiki with anyone and I am very excited as it is just the beginning of my journey.

My company name will be:

Beautifully Human, walking the healing journey together

Glenn M.

"She knows exactly what is needed. Her energy healing are so therapeutic and emotionally fulfilling."

Before I started my spiritual journey a few years ago and Anna has been there every step of the way. Her energy healing through Reiki and Chakra Balancing are so therapeutic and emotionally fulfilling.

She knows exactly what is needed to bring me back on the path when things go astray. I have gone through all my Reiki training with Anna.

Anna is always there to listen and provides guidance and encouragement. Just being in her presence, I always feel calm, relaxed, and ready to face what life has to bring.


"Anna guided me on a new essence of life, an opportunity to discover myself to a journey of self love and acceptance".

Reiki, universal life force energy.

Reiki came into my life at the most difficult time. In my world my universe and energy were both depleted in my life. Having lost the closest people to me left me numb and sad, and that’s when reiki and Anna from Holistic Journey entered my life.

Being a recipient of reiki, Anna guided me on a new essence of life, an opportunity to better myself, discover myself, and begin my healing journey through energy work to a journey of self love and acceptance. At Holistic Journey I found the beautiful benefits of energy work and things started shifting for me. I became more authentic, condifdent, understanding, happy and free.

Through time, I discovered I was lead to learn the reiki modality in more depth, as it has absolutely changed my life. Having taken Reiki 1 and 2 at Holistic Journey has allowed me to understand reiki on a deeper level. The class is in depth, of self discovery, growth, change, and an opportunity for experiencing a new zest for life, all through the energy that surrounds us.

Now that I am a reiki practitioner, I will continue my healing journey through self reiki as it provides deep relaxation. As the energy aids to release what no longer serves me, ultimately making me feel like my soul is cleansing. As my intuition is heightened its a beautiful feeling that Reiki 2 allows to send healing through distance, as reiki works over distance because its energy, and is not bound by time or space.

There is no accident Reiki and Anna were put on my path. I highly recommend Anna from Holistic Journey, her dedication and passion to energy work, can contribute to your healing through all levels of energy: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual is absolutely one of a kind. Her teachings were simple, accessible and very encouraging. The class left me confident that I can also pursue what I have learned, to share and help others. Thank you for being on this Journey with me, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Anna Spiwak

"Whenever I doubted myself, she was there to encourage me to believe in myself and my gifts."

After learning Reiki I and Reiki II with Anna, I knew I wanted to take the Masters program with her. She is such an insightful, inspirational and encouraging teacher. Whenever I started doubting myself, she was always there to encourage me to believe in myself and my gifts. Each class was filled with comfort, understanding and so many ‘Aha!’ moments. I couldn’t have had such a successful and enlightening spiritual journey without you by my side. Now that I am a Reiki Master, it is my intention to be a source of light to the world, by sharing the gift of Reiki with others – as their teacher. Thank you, Anna!.


"I feel a sense of inner healing and gratitude knowing that I am walking my true path".

After taking the Reiki Level I and II Certification at Holistic Journey, I feel such a sense of inner healing and gratitude knowing that I am walking my true path. It was but a dream I did not quite know I had but needed and it is now a reality! I am so happy to be a certified Reiki practitioner. Seeking my higher self and connecting to my source is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for being the vessel that shared this precious gift with me

Vashma Singh-Bharath

"My life has changed in ways I could never imagine. My relationships, with my family, partner and most importantly myself have all transformed"

I embarked on my spiritual journey with Anna over a year ago and my life has changed in ways I never could have imagined. My relationships with family, my partner and most importantly myself have all transformed through my healing work with Anna. She has empowered me to take control of my life and find my truth. Reiki not only helped ease the physical pain I was in, but has put me on a path to heal the parts of me I didn’t even realize needed healing. Taking the Reiki practitioners certification course opened up a whole new connection with the Reiki energy that made me feel powerful and peaceful at the same time. Anna has always said that you don’t find Reiki, Reiki finds you. I believe that Reiki found me at the time I needed it most and after this course, I know it will always be a part of me. Anna is such a beautiful soul – she has played such an important part in my healing journey and I can’t wait to continue our work together.


"I am now able to help people in their day-to-day life, improve mood and sense of well-being, foster more positive energy."

Before I took this Online Reiki Practitioners Certification course with Anna I have been practicing yoga and meditation for a while.

However, I had a feeling there was something else I was able to manifest about myself, my aura and the divine energy.
During the class and our work together I learned the energies around the body, how to work with Reiki energy, the ethics of working with clients.

Now that I am a Reiki Practitioner I am able to help people in their day-to-day life, improve mood and sense of well-being, foster more positive energy.

Ekatrina G.

"Her wisdom, support, and guidance were integral to how transformative this training was. I feel empowered in the knowledge that I gained in her course. "

“Her wisdom, support, and guidance were integral to how transformative this training was. I feel empowered in the knowledge that I gained in her course ” I’m incredibly grateful to have found Anna as my reiki teacher. Her wisdom, support and guidance were integral to how transformative this training was. She truly wants her students to succeed in all that reiki means. As a Reiki Practitioner, I feel empowered in the knowledge that I gained in her course and confident in my understanding and abilities. Thank you, Anna. You are a gift! Ashley Bachrynowski – Ashley Elizabeth Light @ashleyelizabethlight


"Having Anna as my teacher and mentor has truly helped me heal from past traumas and feeling whole within."

Finding Anna @ Holistic Journey was truly a blessing for me. Throughout my own healing journey I knew my purpose here is to help others looking to do the same, heal from past traumas, struggle with finding their true self and feeling whole within. Having Anna as my teacher and mentor has truly helped me get there. Taking Reiki level 1& 2 along with the Chakra Master Practitioner program, was the final piece I needed to accomplish finding my true self. Her teachings, kindness, support, and inspiration all took part in it. I absolutely loved the journey and I am so excited and confident to take it to the next level. Opening my own business is where I am headed next and being of service to others in helping them on their self-healing journey is what I am most looking forward to. “One Life Line” is the name of my business and the name speaks for itself. Thank-you Anna.


"So many 'A-ha!' moments! Anna taught me to get out of my head and to trust what's in my heart. Most importantly, she gently walked me through my past, helped me acknowledge any pain I was carrying, and helped me heal"

Before working with Anna, I was emotionally broken. A relationship had ended unexpectedly and I felt like I had lost myself. I was unable to ‘bounce back’ like I usually did; that’s when I knew I needed to invest in myself and do some inner work. During our work together, there were so many ‘A-ha!’ moments! Anna taught me to get out of my head and to trust what’s in my heart. She taught me how important perspective is when looking at people and/or situations. Most importantly, she gently walked me through my past, helped me acknowledge any pain I was carrying, and helped me heal. I learned how much I had still been carrying throughout my body, and specifically in my mind. As a result of our work together, I now approach people and situations from a place of love, rather than fear. This has been a game changer! But perhaps, the biggest change is that I now have a strong love for MYSELF, knowing I am perfect as I am …and the stories I often told myself growing up were untrue. I know I am worthy of everything my heart longs for! I feel I will never be able to properly express my gratitude to Anna for all she’s done for me. She truly is one of my angels on Earth. Thank you, Anna! You are a source of light.


"I was guided to learn Reiki and believed the difference in healing from the sessions"

I was guided to learn Reiki when I was a receiver on Reiki treatment in my illness and believed the difference in healing from the treatment. when I met Anna from that moment I decided to learn from her and I could complete my Reiki1&2, Chakra balancing, and Master course . She is so kind, supportive and generous talented teacher . I am grateful to be her student and hoping to start my practice soon. We all Love you Anna.
Roopal Patel

"The class was an amazing way to open myself up to new possibilities and energy."

I originally took my Reiki 1 and 2 with Anna at a time where I was soul searching. The class was an amazing way to open myself up to new possibilities and energy. The Master/Teacher was the next logical step in my journey and came again, at the exact time I needed it. Anna is a patient, insightful and deeply spiritual soul. I loved every minute of her classes.


Nicole Stibbe

"I have become much more confident in my abilities and inspired that I can also be successful."

Before I took the online training with Anna, I did not have much confidence in myself. During the course and our work together, I have become Much more confident in my abilities and inspired that I can also be successful. Anna is very warm and open and made me feel comfortable and safe at all times.
Shalima M

"Anna always guided me to my truth, to remember who I am. Anna is an authentic person and genuine teacher."

I’m a firm believer in the energy that we’re made up of, and that surrounds us. It was however, amazing to have this reinforced by taking the online class and feel the energy that we all share. Receiving the advanced and Master Attunements online was like being in the same room as Anna; personal, and deeply felt, because of the energy. Anna is an authentic person, and genuine teacher. She sets up the class so that it flows, and her guided meditations are amazing. Personally, Anna’s always guided me to my truth, to remember who I am, letting me do the work while she supports and helps with any questions I may have. I consider her my guide and mentor.
C. C.

"I was searching for growth in myself and a new direction in my business."

Before I took the online Reiki practical certification course with Anna I was searching for growth in myself and a new direction in my business.

I loved that It was on zoom and I didn’t have to travel across Canada to enjoy such wonderful and supporting people.

Now that Im a Reiki practitioner I believe the path that I have been chosen will enlighten the people around me.I truly do believe that the energy’s have brought us together.

Thank you Anna for helping me on this path. I know that there is soo much more to do but because of your inspiration this is only the beginning of a new and better me. I am blessed to have been shown this path.

Maria Gaudet

"I did my Reiki Masters with Anna after doing my 1 and 2 elsewhere and I was blown away from the difference."

I highly recommend Anna for Reiki certification and for private sessions! You could not be in better hands! I did my Reiki Masters with Anna after taking my level 1 an 2 with another practitioner and I was blown away from the difference. If you want to deepen your intuitive connection and bodily mindfulness work with Anna!


"I was blown away... I highly recommend Anna for Reiki Certification and Private Sessions"

I highly recommend Anna for Reiki certification and for private sessions! You could not be in better hands! I did my Reiki Masters with Anna after taking my level 1 an 2 with another practitioner and I was blown away from the difference. If you want to deepen your intuitive connection and bodily mindfulness work with Anna!

Bonnie M.

"This course has taught me so much about myself and has given me the opportunity to see what my calling might be."

Taking this Reiki I/II course has taught me so much about myself and how I can help others. To feel the energy and changes in my body is breathtaking. This class has given me the opportunity to see what my calling might be. I feel that I can help others feel better the way that I do! I feel much more confident. Thank you!
S. B.

"Anna has such wonderful energy and an amazing teacher. She really helped me open up and tune back into my spiritual side."

Anna has such a wonderful energy. She was an amazing teacher. She really helped me to start opening up and to tune back into my spiritual side. You’d be surprised how intuitive you can be and how calming Reiki. is. I learned to trust my thoughts and feelings no matter what I’m thinking. I’ve already signed up for the Chakra Balancing class!

Cherilyn Besser

"I learned so much in this course. It exceeded my expectations..."

I learned so much from this Reiki I/II course. It completely exceeded my expectations in terms of content and application. I learned a lot about energy and healing grief. I would recommend this class to anybody interested in learning Reiki and learning how to heal the pain in themselves and others.

G. R.

"My experience has been enlightening and a positive spiritual journey."

My experience going to Holistic Journey has been an enlightening, positive spiritual journey for me. I immediately just felt comfortable and safe to open up, share, and talk through things while I was there. I have met such wonderful people through the classes and Reiki training I have taken at Holistic Journey. The Reiki training was very thorough, interactive and fun! Very hands on.


"Thorough, well delivered and made me feel confident."

I would recommend this class as it is thorough, well-delivered and made me feel confident in what I’ve learned. Even in two days!

Shauna Currie

"A teacher who relates the information in every day language."

A very relaxed and healing atmosphere. Anna is a very humble and knowledgeable teacher who relates the information in every day language that makes it easy to understand and practice.

Shalima Mayer

"Patient and knowledge-based, sharing at a heart to heart level."

Anna is very patient, knowledge-based mentor who is very confident with her experienced-based knowledge that she is sharing at a heart to heart level.

Hetal Parmar

"Was better than the Spa."

This course was better than the spa while learning a new skill. You will learn much about yourself and others.

Jahnavi Patel

"These classes will solidify your intuition."

If you have any pull towards energy healing, these classes will solidify your intuition.

Laura Commisso

"Very Enlightening"

The Reiki I/II class was very enlightening taught in a very calm and relaxed environment.


"Eye-opener for your own Emotions"

The course was very relaxing and an eye-opener for your own emotions.

Balraj Nijar

1:1 Sessions

As soon as you walk into Anna’ home, your body, mind and spirit begin to settle down. Anna is a great listener and understands how the struggles and traumas in our lives can be experienced and held in our bodies. Through reiki and chakra balancing and essential oils, I left the session feeling rejuvenated and on a healing path. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by booking a session with Anna today!
I came to Anna to help me with oils and how I would go about using them. I had such an amazing experience with Anna. Her energy was very positive and up-lifting as you can feel it off her. Anna gave me such an incredible massage. She made sure that I felt calm and relaxed. I highly recommend Anna for her holistic services. I cannot wait to see Anna again. Thank you Anna.
J. D.
I go every four weeks for this massage, it is so relaxing. I only dislike that I fall asleep through it & miss parts of it! Anna is a delight & I look forward to our monthly visit. I highly recommend Holistic Journey for any & all services that they offer.
Irene B.
It’s an amazing feeling to go in feeling not so good and come out feeling rejuvenated and new. Anna is magical and enjoy all aspects of going to see you – her personality, her abilities & skills, her smile and atmosphere. All instantly make me feel better. Her massages make me feel like a new person and feel so much better!
Melanie A.
Anna keeps me sane in my busy work life. I look forward to my monthly spa sessions with Anna. It is my time to totally relax in her caring hands. She is thoroughly professional and holistic. I completely trust her and I learn a lot from her at each session. I’ve been a fully satisfied customer for many years now and for many more to come I am confident. You will be totally relaxed following a session with Anna I am sure. I am so happy to have found her.
Lillian C.
I love Anna and her holistic sanctuary. I feel relaxed and at peace when I leave. I have had Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Aromatherapy massage, essential oils information and many discussions Thank you Anna!
Kim P.
I can’t say enough about Anna she is amazing. I would never go to anyone else for my reiki she is just fabulous at what she does!! I highly recommend her to everyone.
S. B.